In these twelve plus 3 extra lessons of the course, you will learn what is the logic behind the software to better use Rhinoceros and its tools in the most efficient and smart way generating your lines, curves, and surfaces with no mistakes and a 360° control about your geometry. You will be able to model and edit accurate free-form 3D NURBS models and bring to life your design, setting your mind on the right approaches to modeling with Rhinoceros 3D.
We will cover the most important arguments about lines, polylines, curves, and editing tools that are a “must-know” basics to become a Pro-Rhino user.
Finally, we will learn how to set up our interface and customize it with useful commands to become fast end, efficient modelers.

Michele Blasilli is an Italian Industrial & Product Designer, born and raised in Rome, where he graduated at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He has completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design and accomplished his Master’s Degree in Product Design. In December 2016 he has completed a First Level Master in Industrial Design.
He has been working for Important Design Companies and Design Studios, such as Valerio Sommella Design Studio, developing products for Alessi, Plust, Slide, Kundalini. He has been working for Nivea Italy developing a new Concept for a really innovative and unique customer experience and a new revolutionary cream packaging.
He has been rewarded on 29-06-2018 with the “A Design Award Bronze Prize” in Industrial Design Category with his project “m0mi”.
Since October 2017 he’s working as Furniture and Lighting Designer at Paolo Castelli Spa, designing and developing luxury products.
He has developed over the years a strong passion for details, 3D modeling, and Rendering. His “Dogma” is Complex Simplicity, every geometry needs to be designed as clean as possible to reach a stunning and perfect final model. To better understand this theory just think about one famous quotation:”Less is More” | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Inspired by the old Masters of Italian Design, he’s very interested in the creation of beautiful yet useful products, like an Inventor moved by the curiosity and the desire to improve the quality of everyday life.